
Vinney Chopra’s curated resources for multifamily investing.


Vinney Chopra’s curated resources for multifamily investing.

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Multifamily National Report

Although multifamily rents fell slightly in September, the overall picture painted by the data is positive. A $1 decline is insignificant, especially at the start of the fall, when rent growth traditionally begins to hibernate for winter. The 0.3% growth in the third quarter is slightly disappointing compared to same-period results in recent years. However,…


Students and Investors; Learning From Vinney

Vinney is a seasoned multifamily syndicator, an excellent mentor and a great person. Vinney’s multifamily syndication course is a simple step-by-step, easy-to-navigate course, even if you never have done a multifamily syndication before. Vinney is always accessible to answer your questions. He is open and transparent with everything he does. He genuinely cares about people and always looks for a win-win situation.